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Annual Writing Report - 2020

We are finally at the end of a year we will not soon forget. My family and I have managed to evade the virus (so far) and are very much looking forward to our chance to receive the vaccine. 

In the midst of all this pandemic sorrow, I have found writing to be a wonderful refuge. Regular zoom meetings with other writers have been key to keeping me sane and connected with the world and I am grateful for their continued presence in my days.

Despite all the sadness and turmoil this year, some good things happened. First and foremost, I was beyond pleased and excited to sign a contract with World Scientific to publish my book, Spiritual Insights from the New Science. This book has been in the works for almost thirty years and I almost can't find the adjectives to describe how wonderful this turn of events is. Check out the website for pre-ordering information. You can also pre-order an e-book version from Amazon. Publication is expected in late 2021!

I also published a couple of short pieces, although my submission rate fell off due to the need to revise and edit several book projects in the works. My first piece of creative non-fiction was published, as was my first poem. I hope to write and submit more of this type of writing in 2021 - perhaps this will be my first new years' resolution.

And I almost forgot, but my weirdly timely scifi short story, "Doors Opening on the Left," about an intrepid virus hunter, was published by Fiction on the Web in June. 

I also very much enjoyed participating in NaNoWriMo this year and managed to get almost to the end of the novel I've been trying to rewrite. Finishing this is likely to be another new years' resolution. It's really great to have writing as a refuge in this pandemic time and since the virus will be with us for several more months at least, I'm going to keep writing.

Best wishes to all of you in the new year and I hope your pathway to the vaccine is smooth and successful!


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