Even More Adventures in Publishing

I received an automated email from Amazon last night saying, basically, "Congratulations, your book has been published," which didn't surprise me too much since I'd just finished uploading my fifth short story to Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing site. 

The next line was very exciting, though, and invited me to set up an Author page on Amazon.com.  I've seen these pages for other authors, but didn't know how to initiate the process. I dropped what I was doing, followed the links and instructions provided in the email--and within (literally) twenty minutes, I had my new Author page!

As with e-publishing itself, the process was extremely easy and fast, and I was even able to provide RSS feeds for my blogs. I was also invited to link my twitter account to this page, so all of you who don't follow me on Twitter get the great privilege of reading my latest tweet on Amazon.

I have a couple more short stories to upload, and will then turn my attention to re-publishing an essay I wrote in October 2001, just weeks after 9/11, in which I explain how the world encountered a bifurcation that day when planes crashed into the twin towers in New York. The points made in that essay remain valid today, nearly ten years later, so stay tuned for the re-release of my essay, "Life Lessons From the Newest Science."


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