Short Pieces
Published Short Stories, Poems & Essays (Listed from most recent to oldest, with links when available)
We Have Always Lived on the Earth, Gone Lawn, Issue 55 (June 21, 2024)
Big Blue Marble (with a new Introduction and Author Interview), Utopia Science Fiction 5th Anniversary Anthology (Dec. 1, 2023)
Maude's Place, Flash Fiction Magazine (January 11, 2023)
Pillar of Salt, Gargoyle Online (October, 2022)
Team Building Exercise, Intrinsick Mag (October 2, 2022)
The Great Red Spot, Whale Road Review (September 15, 2022)
Solve for X, Linden Avenue Literary Journal (September, 2018); nominated for Best of the Net; republished by Doubleback Review (April, 2022)
Bedtime Stories, Washington Independent Review of Books (August 25, 2021)
Big Blue Marble, Utopia Science Fiction (June 30, 2021)
Assembly Instructions for a Love Triangle, Janus Literary (June 30, 2021)
The Interview, Funny Pearls (March 29, 2021)
The Stairway to Heaven is a Spiral, Amethyst Review (December 19, 2020)
Dispatch from a Pandemic: Arlington, Virginia and Denver, Another Chicago Magazine (June 3, 2020)
Doors Opening on the Left, Fiction on the Web (June 1, 2020)
Annie Apple, Fiction on the Web (December 23, 2019)
Amanda is Moving Back to Montana, Although She Vowed She'd Never Do It, Cleaver Magazine (Issue 25, March 27, 2019)
All the Birds Scattered, Bull - Men's Fiction (March, 2019)
Motherhood, Good Works Review, FutureCycle Press (January, 2019)
On Mattering, Ruminate Magazine, Issue No. 49, p. 13 (2018)
The Black Forest, Chantwood Magazine (Issue 14, pp. 72-86, May, 2018)
The Initiate, Gargoyle 68 (pp. 373-376, 2018), Paycock Press
Laundry Day, Raising Her Voice: An Anthology of Women Writers, Rachel Holbrook, Ed. (pp. 141-143, 2018)
Laundry Day, the Same (November, 2017) - Nominated for a Pushcart Prize
Predator or Prey?, 101 words (June, 2016)
Master Gardener, Mulberry Fork Review (April, 2016)
The Healer, Gargoyle 61 (pp. 303-305, 2014) Paycock Press
The Gate of Heaven, Gravity Dancers, Ed. Richard Peabody (pp. 139-152, 2009) Paycock Press; Republished in "From the Attic," by Grace & Gravity DC, with a special intro by Hope Hamerslough (2023)
Time to Leave, Originally published by Writers' Journal (August, 1999) - Third Place Winner in 1998 Writers' Journal Fiction Contest; republished online by Derelict Lit (2019)

Several of my short stories are also now available for Kindle and Nook for just 99 cents each. A complete selection is available via either the Amazon or Barnes and Noble sites.
An excerpt from "The Omega Upgrade": Elaine rummaged through the deep pocket of her jumper, searching for her perpetually lost debit card. The loose jumper had become her summer uniform that year. She had made it herself and added a long multi-colored ribbon around a large straw hat, a fashion necessity in Manhattan ever since the second ozone hole appeared back in 2015....
An excerpt from "The Gate of Heaven": 'You looked just like a nun sitting there,' she said, walking up behind me. It surprised me, but only a little, to find myself pleased to be mistaken for a nun. And I might very well have looked like one, since Paul’s black jacket was long on me and my dark hair flowed out like a veil from under the white band encasing my ears. I waited for a few moments, hoping she would go away...
Kindle version...The Gate of Heaven