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The Importance of Fiction

When I was about ten years old, my mother gave me a book to read that she said was about "a little girl who reminds me of you." The book was Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time and it was one of the first science fiction books I'd ever read. 

Mama was right--that little girl I was became a scientist (eventually) and I've always thought that L'Engle's book, as well as classics such as The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet by Eleanor Cameron, helped me find my way into science as a profession.

Fast forward several decades, and I am now an Assistant Fiction Editor at Utopia Science Fiction Magazine. We publish optimistic stories of a future we might want to live in one day. It is my hope that our stories will inspire kids to consider science as a career, much as the science fiction I read so many years ago inspired me.

We have been running a Kickstarter Campaign during the month of February to raise enough money to publish another year of stories. If we surpass our goal of $5000 we can raise pay rates for writers and might even be able to publish an anthology. 

Please consider helping out. The campaign ends on Tuesday (two days from now!) and we need only a few hundred dollars to reach our goal. If the goal isn't reached, we won't receive any of the funds pledged so far, so your help now can truly make this project successful.

Here's the link to donate. Thanks so much for your support!


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