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Blog Anniversary


On December 11, 2008, I started this blog, and I never would have predicted it would still be going strong fourteen years later, but here we are! My first post was short and sweet:

"Welcome to my new blog! I will be writing here about complex systems science, aka complexity science or the theory of emergence...maybe other names even I don't know. In the old days we called it chaos theory, nonlinear dynamics or a bunch of other things but times have changed because the science has changed!

More later..."

And I did write more later. Lots more. I haven't written much on the blog about this topic lately, but I have written a book about it. Spiritual Insights from the New Science: Complex Systems and Life has many sections that I tried out in my blog posts before attempting to pull them into a book. So, the blog served its purpose well, which was to give me a place to play with ideas I was attempting to turn into a book.

Along the way, I've covered many other topics: writing, e-publishing, gardening, family events and milestones, photography, short, anything that interests me. 

Here's to a few more years! I may not be blogging 14 years from now, but there's no telling....


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