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Book Reviews!

My novel, "Belle o' the Waters," has been getting some great reviews since it was released in April. The latest is from the Historical Novel Society: "This is an accomplished debut, and I commend the author for her sensitive presentation of this family saga and the hard-scrabble life they endure: fraught with tension, yet deftly balanced with joyous and hopeful times."

 The Washington Independent Review of Books called it "a moving account of mid-19th-century Mormons struggling to find their way," and Connie's History Classroom praised the research behind the storytelling: "Since I am a historian I am always intrigued by books based on events. The author did her research. I felt that I was learning a lot from her book." Finally, the Historical Fiction Review said, "Belle o' the Waters had me hooked from page one," and praised the "strong, believable characters, a creatively imaginative story line, and a look at a time and place in American history imbued with an iconoclastic mystery."

Huge thanks to all these reviewers -- and to all the readers who have bought and reviewed the book on Goodreads or Amazon. I very much appreciate the support and feedback!


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